Condition Center: Infectious Disease

Slight Mad Cow Risk Leads to Recall

Talk of mad cow disease tends to make people nervous - with reason - even when the risk is low. Such concern has led to a recent recall of beef...

Protecting Kids from Rotavirus

One of the most common reasons for diarrhea among children is rotavirus. But a vaccine for rotavirus was introduced in 2007.

Where Measles Can Thrive

Measles cases are the highest they have been since 2000, exceeding the previous high in 2011. Like this year's...

Successes of the Chickenpox Vaccine

Any time a new vaccine is introduced, researchers pay special attention to what happens in the next several decades to the disease that vaccine...

DEET Mosquito Repellent Seemed Safe

Summertime brings sunshine and warmth, but also those pesky mosquitos and attempts to ward them off. Many people might wonder whether insect...

Camel Pinned as MERS Source

MERS has been causing human infections since it was first discovered in 2012, but where exactly the virus came from has remained unknown. A new...

World Cup Health Issues Highlighted

Global travelers will soon descend upon Brazil, first for this summer's World Cup, then again for the 2016 Summer Olympics. A new report examined...