Strategies to Stop Snoring

Snoring can be the result of unhealthy habits, which you can change


Catching some shuteye can be tough when your bed partner snores, but If you're the offender snoring could be a health issue.

Snoring occurs because the tissues at the top of the airway vibrate and strike each other, according to US National Library of Medicine. As people get older, the structures in the throat loosen, which increases the chance of snoring. In fact, some of your daily habits can make snoring worse.

Smoking is a double whammy when it comes to snoring. The smoke is irritating to your mucous membranes and makes your airways tighter.

In addition, smoking increases nasal congestion and makes it harder to breathe through your nose. Snoring is just one of the many reasons to stop smoking.

Alcohol can make snoring worse because it relaxes the throat muscles. You should cut off alcohol consumption at least three hours before bedtime.

Sleeping pills and sedatives can create problems if you snore. Like alcohol, they may prevent your throat from opening properly, which makes snoring worse. Relaxation techniques are a better choice if you need some help getting to sleep.

Your sleep position can make snoring worse if you habitually sleep on your back. This position makes the throat slide back in the mouth and narrows the airways. Try a pillow behind your back or some other trick to keep you on your side.

Being overweight increases the size and amount of your neck tissues. The excess tissue puts pressure on your airways and makes snoring worse. Losing weight can cure a snoring problem in some cases.

Nasal congestion for any reason increases the risk of snoring because you open your mouth to breathe. Treat the cause -- allergies, cold symptoms, dry environment -- to help stop snoring.

Snoring can be a sign of sleep apnea. Unlike other snoring problems, this one can cause serious health damage because people with sleep apnea actually stop breathing during their sleep. They may then jerk awake, and repeat this process during the night.

Sleep apnea increases the risk of heart disease and can cause serious accidents due to daytime sleepiness.
