Condition Center: Sjogrens Syndrome

Women, Sex and Sjogren's Syndrome

Sjogren's syndrome — many have never heard of it. This condition with the hard-to-pronounce name (it's "show-grins") is a common autoimmune disease...

Sjögren's May Make Life Harder

Living with a chronic disease can make daily tasks more difficult than they should be. In a recent study, researchers looked at how Sjögren&#...

When RA Gets Complicated

Rheumatoid arthritis can last a lifetime. As the years pass, the inflammation caused by rheumatoid arthritis can spread to other organs, causing a...

The Pain that Seems Everlasting

There is the kind of pain that happens when you stub a toe or slice your finger cutting vegetables. Then there is chronic pain, an enduring pain t...

Venus Will Be a Comeback Kid

Venus Williams had to withdraw from her second-round match this Wednesday due to symptoms stemming from Sjogren's syndrome, which is a chronic...

Show Me the Sjogren's Syndrome

Venus Williams, one of the most exciting female athletes in recent history, was forced to pull out of the 2011 U.S. Tennis Open due to her recent ...